编者按:上海市民办尚德实验学校创立于2003年9月,是一所涵盖幼儿园、小学、初中和高中阶段的国际学校。学校拥有国际化的视野和一流的教学师资团队,在中外课程的融合上,展现出了巨大的潜力与优势。此外,尚德尊重学生的个性差异,立志构建独具尚德特色的课程体系,来满足每位学生的发展需求,推动学生在个性化的环境中全面成长。上海民办尚德实验学校正式启动UNESCO“未来素养实验室”。未来素养实验室(Future Literacy Laboratory)是在联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)支持下,由联合国教科文组织未来素养研究中心前主任、未来学家瑞尔•米勒发起,旨在全球范围内提升人们对未来的理解与应对能力。2024年6月19日至25日,未来学家瑞尔•米勒、华东师范大学基础教育改革与发展研究所卜玉华教授及其研究团队,联合上海市民办尚德实验学校启动“未来素养实验室”。The Future Literacy Laboratory, supported by UNESCO and initiated by Dr. Riel Miller, former director of the UNESCO Future Literacy Research Center and futurist, aims to enhance global understanding and response capabilities regarding the future. From June 19th to 25th, 2024, futurist Dr. Riel Miller, Professor Bu Yuhua from the Institute of Basic Education Reform and Development at East China Normal University, and her research team, in collaboration with Shanghai Shangde Experimental School, launched the "Future Literacy Laboratory."上海市民办尚德实验学校姜晓勇校长、谷苗书记和融合部姚可阶校长热情接待了米勒博士、卜教授及其研究团队。来访嘉宾共同参观了融合部中学学生们的跨学科与艺术作品。潘轶龄、宇萱和郝亚迪三位同学以流利的英语,自信且大方地展示了他们的作品,并与来访嘉宾进行了深入的互动交流。Shangde Principal Jiang Xiaoyong, Secretary of Party Committee Gu Miao, and Principal Jennifer Yao of the Integrated Department warmly welcomed Dr. Miller, Professor Bu, and their research team. The visiting guests jointly visited the interdisciplinary and artistic works of the students from Middle Years Programme. Pan Yiling, Yu Xuan, and Hao Yadi confidently showcased their works in fluent English and engaged in in-depth interactive exchanges with the visitors.“未来素养实验室”以工作坊的形式进行。融合部中学7E班的学生和教师代表,包括李喆、李雯、李佳、方舟以及王元枝老师,都参与了这次的未来素养实验室工作坊。参与师生们经历了从隐性到显性、重构未来、孵化新思考、下阶段展望这四个阶段,共同对“未来”进行探索。The "Future Literacy Laboratory" was conducted in the form of workshops. Students and teacher representatives from MYP, including Lisa, Leanne, Erica, William, and Isabella, participated in this Future Literacy Laboratory workshop. The participants went through four stages: from implicit to explicit, reframing, new questions, and next steps, collectively exploring the concept of "the future."探索未来:工作坊之旅期待尚德能成为未来教育的先驱,这一创新教育模式能够在尚德扎根,激发学生们探索未来世界的热情与潜能,培养他们成为具备前瞻性和创新精神的未来领袖。We all look forward to Shangde becoming a pioneer in future education, where this innovative educational model can take root at Shangde, inspiring students' enthusiasm and potential to explore the future world, and nurturing them to become future leaders with foresight and innovation.洞见未来:师生感悟Firstly, the students' ideas about the future are not only novel and unique but also full of creativity and imagination, showing me the infinite possibilities of future education. Secondly, through the guidance of Professor Miller and the interaction with students, I realized the importance of creative thinking. As a teacher and a lifelong learner, I gained many valuable experiences and knowledge. This activity not only enriched my teaching methods but also deepened my understanding of the essence of education.—— MYP Teacher Isabella通过参加未来素养工作坊中,我和同学们对未来的发展有了新的理解,充分发挥了我们的想象力。从第一阶段的懵懂,不知该选择未来以及未来是好是坏,认为自己不可以改变未来。到参加完全部工作坊后,对2050年社交媒体和交流方式有了全新的构思。当我们再回到2024年,同学们讨论了结合哪些学科的探究,可以在未来达成我们的想法,让我受益匪浅。——7E 宋亦 JustinIn the Future Literacy Workshop, I gained immense benefits. I broke through my own fixed thinking and learned how to freely imagine and reasonably analyze the future. I also recognized where my imagination comes from. These abilities will give me more advantages when facing changes in the future.—— 7E Richy*转自:上海市民办尚德实验学校官方公众号择校咨询微信号|KingLeadCarina电话号码|15010290997欢迎有择校需求的家庭扫描下方二维码,填写相关信息【点击进入京领国际学校大数据平台,为孩子选择美好人生】电话:010-82362348微信:Kinglead008京领家长圈京领 KingLead